
How do I deal with drama-starting employees?

So, I know it’s sort of in the title, but I’ll go ahead and clarify. I work multiple jobs in a hotel, alongside my husband, some jobs we work together. Well, there happens to be a family here as well (mother, daughter, her brother) who works here as well, two of which in one of my positions. Well, for lack of better words, this place is very toxic, and this family is incorporating some of the toxism. (with exception of the brother, who is a nice, quiet guy.). They seem to have something against my husband, because I just found out the daughter is straight up lying about my husband, trying to make him look bad by saying bad things about his work ethic which aren’t true. I know the truth now because I decided to speak to the person straight up that he “supposedly” was causing trouble for. She…

So, I know it’s sort of in the title, but I’ll go ahead and clarify. I work multiple jobs in a hotel, alongside my husband, some jobs we work together. Well, there happens to be a family here as well (mother, daughter, her brother) who works here as well, two of which in one of my positions. Well, for lack of better words, this place is very toxic, and this family is incorporating some of the toxism. (with exception of the brother, who is a nice, quiet guy.). They seem to have something against my husband, because I just found out the daughter is straight up lying about my husband, trying to make him look bad by saying bad things about his work ethic which aren’t true. I know the truth now because I decided to speak to the person straight up that he “supposedly” was causing trouble for. She and I get along well, so I can trust her to tell the truth. Well, This same girl (the daughter) as well as her mother are also causing problems in one of my positions by showing up late, therefore dumping me with a heavy work load, and our boss who knows all this won’t do a darn thing about it! The mother also plays clear favorites towards her irresponsible daughter who is always slacking off, and will give her extra privileges (ex: mother will lead my serving job, and give her daughter best tables, and they will stand around chatting). I’m fed up with this, and thinking about quitting this position, but doing so will make my life hell in the rest of the hotel. People aren’t exactly quiet, and unfortunately, they believe this family. Plus, I need the stability of working there, which other jobs in town don’t provide due to it being a seasonal tourist town. What can I do?

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