
How do I professionally tell my manager “I didn’t do any work today because you didn’t give me any tasks to do”

For context: I’m an entry level engineer working in the energy industry and I’m working from home today. I’ve been working at this company for about 3 months now and my boss is a condescending asshole who makes it very easy to not give a fuck about putting in any extra effort. I finished putting a package together for a client yesterday and he hasn’t given me anything to do today. When he inevitably asks what I got done today, what is a professional way of saying “I didn’t do anything because you didn’t give me anything to do” or “I did exactly what you asked me to do: nothing”? TIA

For context: I’m an entry level engineer working in the energy industry and I’m working from home today. I’ve been working at this company for about 3 months now and my boss is a condescending asshole who makes it very easy to not give a fuck about putting in any extra effort. I finished putting a package together for a client yesterday and he hasn’t given me anything to do today. When he inevitably asks what I got done today, what is a professional way of saying “I didn’t do anything because you didn’t give me anything to do” or “I did exactly what you asked me to do: nothing”? TIA

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