
How do I stop being annoyed by people who suck up to higher-ups?

Here's the story: I constantly observe individuals who get promoted despite lacking skills, solely because they flatter those in higher positions. This truly frustrates me, as it's hard to believe that this behavior goes unnoticed or doesn't bother anyone else. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated and want to find a way to not let it get to me. I'm here seeking advice on how to overcome these negative thoughts. Do you have any recommendations for dealing with this issue?

Here's the story: I constantly observe individuals who get promoted despite lacking skills, solely because they flatter those in higher positions. This truly frustrates me, as it's hard to believe that this behavior goes unnoticed or doesn't bother anyone else. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated and want to find a way to not let it get to me. I'm here seeking advice on how to overcome these negative thoughts. Do you have any recommendations for dealing with this issue?

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