
How do I stop/prevent my co-workers from celebrating my birthday?

Context: I struggle with anxiety and absolutely hate the attention (it tends to lead into a panic attacks). This and a long history of bad experiences on the day makes it the worst 24h of the year for me. So like what can I say/do to make people respect my wishes here? It seems like regardless of where I work or what I say, people ignore my feelings about this (it has never been respected) for the sake/excuse of a small party??

Context: I struggle with anxiety and absolutely hate the attention (it tends to lead into a panic attacks). This and a long history of bad experiences on the day makes it the worst 24h of the year for me.
So like what can I say/do to make people respect my wishes here?
It seems like regardless of where I work or what I say, people ignore my feelings about this (it has never been respected) for the sake/excuse of a small party??

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