
How do I tell a superior at work that I don’t appreciate the way she speaks to me sometimes?

Here’s the thing: it’s never usually anything she outright says, it’s more of a tone of condescension/being extremely defensive when I make innocent comments/making me feel like an idiot. This is not only me, many staff members feel the same way. I leave our interactions feeling like shit but I’m afraid that bringing it up with her will make me seem like a crybaby. The other day, I voiced my opinion about something that they wanted feedback about and she just outright said to me “it’s not your choice what happens and we need to take your feelings out of it”. I never said that I thought I should have the final say about anything though…. she just took it that way. How do I convey to her that I am having a hard time responding to her communication style? I just started this job recently and I’ve already learnt…

Here’s the thing: it’s never usually anything she outright says, it’s more of a tone of condescension/being extremely defensive when I make innocent comments/making me feel like an idiot. This is not only me, many staff members feel the same way. I leave our interactions feeling like shit but I’m afraid that bringing it up with her will make me seem like a crybaby. The other day, I voiced my opinion about something that they wanted feedback about and she just outright said to me “it’s not your choice what happens and we need to take your feelings out of it”. I never said that I thought I should have the final say about anything though…. she just took it that way. How do I convey to her that I am having a hard time responding to her communication style? I just started this job recently and I’ve already learnt a ton about a very difficult field (which is great and an opportunity I am lucky to have) but she is making it difficult for me to feel comfortable making mistakes. Am I just being immature?

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