
How do you deal with incompetent managers?

I currently work for a small family business where the father owns the company and his daughter is my manager. I've been there for one year and I am blown away by how much she gets away with and the amount of problems she causes. She misses deadlines left and right, she spirals a lot so it is impossible to have a productive conversation with her, and she is constantly MIA on her remote days (and when I finally do hear from her, it's at 4:30pm, when my workday is ending). It boggles my mind. She invents imaginary hurdles that make our lives harder, but if she doesn't have things done her way (which she deems the “proper” way), she loses her mind. She's so dead set in following these ancient/broken procedures that she's created that she would rather miss deadlines than skip any singular step in her process. It's…

I currently work for a small family business where the father owns the company and his daughter is my manager. I've been there for one year and I am blown away by how much she gets away with and the amount of problems she causes.

She misses deadlines left and right, she spirals a lot so it is impossible to have a productive conversation with her, and she is constantly MIA on her remote days (and when I finally do hear from her, it's at 4:30pm, when my workday is ending). It boggles my mind. She invents imaginary hurdles that make our lives harder, but if she doesn't have things done her way (which she deems the “proper” way), she loses her mind. She's so dead set in following these ancient/broken procedures that she's created that she would rather miss deadlines than skip any singular step in her process. It's driving me nuts!

I have been vocal about the issues she is/her processes are causing the company as a whole, but everyone at the company is older and have been there a long time so they all seem to try to ignore her and keep her out of their work as much as possible. Coworkers have told me they have tried to give her feedback, but she is very defensive and nothing seems to sink in when people try to tell her that her ways are not working for the company.

I've been in this career for six years. I was at my last company for five years, but I don't think I can handle this level of incompetence much longer. I've never encountered this much undeserved ego from one person in my professional life. I get along well with mostly everybody else at the company, and I get positive feedback from the rest of my coworkers. One of my coworkers saw my frustration with my manager and asked me not to quit lol.

How do you guys tolerate people like this? My patience is dwindling.

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