
How do you deal with (or do you even deal with) the constant battle between feeling demotivated to work but guilty for being unproductive?

I ended up in a job i have 0 interest in during covid and I'm still in it now. The money is okay and I can get away with putting in very minimal effort but therein lies the problem. Being unproductive everyday is not good for a person. It makes me feel dejected and fed up with everything. The problem is my job is so un-stimulating and when I don't put any effort in and perform at the bare minimum level, nobody calls me out on it. One the one hand I am pleased with this situation and comfortable barely trying, especially because I haver no interest in developing my career on this path. But on the other hand I often feel useless and very unfulfilled. Of course the actual solution here is to find more fulfilling work – but work and fulfilment are concepts I struggle to marry in…

I ended up in a job i have 0 interest in during covid and I'm still in it now. The money is okay and I can get away with putting in very minimal effort but therein lies the problem.

Being unproductive everyday is not good for a person. It makes me feel dejected and fed up with everything. The problem is my job is so un-stimulating and when I don't put any effort in and perform at the bare minimum level, nobody calls me out on it.

One the one hand I am pleased with this situation and comfortable barely trying, especially because I haver no interest in developing my career on this path. But on the other hand I often feel useless and very unfulfilled.

Of course the actual solution here is to find more fulfilling work – but work and fulfilment are concepts I struggle to marry in my mind and heart (a struggle I'm sure many people on this sub relate to).

Anyway I guess I'm just looking for some support and opinions from other people who find themselves stuck between demotivation and guilt, and perhaps from people who don't find much fulfilment in work generally. How do you deal with this? Where do you find the fulfilment?

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