I was let go immediately after (3days from the date I discussed ADA violations with the a higher-up). HR, EEOC, and Office of Civil Right could not care less. My employment lawyer just want me to settle (I told her No we are not settling unless they reinstate me(please do not try to convince me to not go back. I need to go back)), but moving forward with the lawsuit as I refuse to drop the lawsuit. Department of Education disability employment program only tries to get me a job as cashier/waitress/receptionist (they never even spoke to the company to advocate for me). The reason for termination was initially specific (but after they found out I was innocent, they changed over to another charge which was also found to be inaccurate), at the end (like 4 months afrer termination) they changed reason for termination as underperformance. At this point I feel like there is no real ADA in this country. Why would any employer comply wirh ADA when they can just do whatever they don’t need to? How can I be heard? My lawer advised me to not go to media just in case the company may want to settle with reinstatement right before going to court (as one of their motivation would be to protect their reputation)
Due to disability, I receive services like IEP (special education/employment) from State Goverment, but the employer refused to allow them to provide the sevice to me. The Statw Government said they can help only if the employers would allow them to. So, I was not able to get any of the disability assistance provided from the federal state government.