
How do you move on from shitty customers

I'm 16, recently was waiting at the commonwealth powerlifting champs prize-giving event (third time working in my entire life). I was picking up empty drink glasses and stacking them when a woman at the table banged her head against my tray (my fault, I should have probably announced I was behind her) . An empty can fell on her, I apologised and picked it up. An old (drunk) Scottish man at the table got incredibly angry and started demanding I give her a complimentary drink because I spilt a drink on her (I didn't spill anything, it was an empty can). I told him I couldn't do that, because minors can't serve alcohol and I don't have the power to give out free drinks. He got even more angry and got up off his table, started following me as I left to the clearing station. During this he kept yelling…

I'm 16, recently was waiting at the commonwealth powerlifting champs prize-giving event (third time working in my entire life).

I was picking up empty drink glasses and stacking them when a woman at the table banged her head against my tray (my fault, I should have probably announced I was behind her) . An empty can fell on her, I apologised and picked it up. An old (drunk) Scottish man at the table got incredibly angry and started demanding I give her a complimentary drink because I spilt a drink on her (I didn't spill anything, it was an empty can).

I told him I couldn't do that, because minors can't serve alcohol and I don't have the power to give out free drinks. He got even more angry and got up off his table, started following me as I left to the clearing station. During this he kept yelling in my face asking for a complimentary drink.

Here I made a mistake, I regret doing this, but I swore at him saying “Well I've told you a 100 times I can't fucking do that.” I shaking at this point because I was getting more pissed and a bit scared. Obviously, he got more pissed after I said that. At the clearing station he explained how he was normally a very laid back man but now he was going to make sure I had a bad night (lol I make sub minimum wage, like I care). I took him to my supervisor, thank god my supervisor dealt with him. Supervisor asked what drink was spilled and this bastard said “a red wine” and walked off smugly with his free drink. I explained the actual situation to my supervisor and he said to just placate dicks like him and not to worry about it. He was also a dick to other wait staff apparently.

I still find myself getting pissed over the situation when I give myself time to think about it. Any tips for moving on from this, because I know I'll face more people like him in the near future.

Bonus: During dinner service at the buffet the same old Scottish dude was harping on about some bullshit to a group of young 20 something year olds. As he walked off one of the 20 year olds said to his friend “you've found your fucking match.”

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