
How do you protect yourself once your boss insinuates you need to seek treatment for a chronic condition?

I’ve had to leave work for the day, or leave to work from home a few times due to migraines. My fellow migraine suffers will know that there is basically no preventative medicine for migraines, and it all tends to be reactive. I’ve sought treatment for migraines in the past, but they are comorbid with another chronic condition that my doctor knows I have, and my boss knows I have. I literally could not get any treatment for my migraines whatsoever so I had to resort to medical marijuana for them. If you look at my medical marijuana card, the condition listed as the reason that I have it is migraines. Boss is aware I have a MMJ card for both and doesn’t care. Today I had to leave work again, and my boss insinuated that it was time to seek treatment for my migraines to “figure them out.” I…

I’ve had to leave work for the day, or leave to work from home a few times due to migraines. My fellow migraine suffers will know that there is basically no preventative medicine for migraines, and it all tends to be reactive. I’ve sought treatment for migraines in the past, but they are comorbid with another chronic condition that my doctor knows I have, and my boss knows I have. I literally could not get any treatment for my migraines whatsoever so I had to resort to medical marijuana for them. If you look at my medical marijuana card, the condition listed as the reason that I have it is migraines. Boss is aware I have a MMJ card for both and doesn’t care.

Today I had to leave work again, and my boss insinuated that it was time to seek treatment for my migraines to “figure them out.” I have them figured out. There’s no fixing them, I just have to deal with them as they come up. How do I protect myself in the event that they try to punish me for suffering from a condition that I can’t do anything about? It should be noted that we have the ability to work fully from home, we even have employees that work remotely full time (nepotism lol) and that today wouldn’t have been an issue for me except that my coworkers were wearing perfume that was killing my head. This of course would never be an issue if I didn’t have to report to the office.

I don’t know if I need to come up with some kind of documentation or something that proves I need reasonable accommodation. Would a doctors note suffice?

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