
How does a person NOT EVENTUALLY think about this ENDLESS routine?

This goes beyond work but I really cannot understand people who don't consider how repetitive their lives are consisting to wake up, work, eat, come home, sleep, repeat. I have been doing this shit for like 6-7 years now and I think about this all the time. I could switch my job, whatever, it wouldn't make hardly a difference to the overall routine. Then you have people like my mom who is 70 years old now, still doing it and isn't bothered. You have done this for DECADES more than me and you never stopped and thought wow, every day is the same thing and it is kind of getting boring. No. Literally doing this shit three-four times as long as I have which is absolutely insane for me to even question it. What is wrong with these people? I don't care if you like the work or whatever which…

This goes beyond work but I really cannot understand people who don't consider how repetitive their lives are consisting to wake up, work, eat, come home, sleep, repeat. I have been doing this shit for like 6-7 years now and I think about this all the time. I could switch my job, whatever, it wouldn't make hardly a difference to the overall routine.

Then you have people like my mom who is 70 years old now, still doing it and isn't bothered. You have done this for DECADES more than me and you never stopped and thought wow, every day is the same thing and it is kind of getting boring. No. Literally doing this shit three-four times as long as I have which is absolutely insane for me to even question it.

What is wrong with these people? I don't care if you like the work or whatever which is crazy anyways but you HAVE to admit that this is a freaking endless routine of doing the same freaking thing day after day and if you have any brain inside your head, it gets old after awhile.

I really think these people who do not see the endless repetitive routine they are in to NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE IT ENOUGH TO REFLECT ON IT AFTER YEARS OF LIVING THE SAME DAY EVERYDAY HAVE VERY SMALL BRAINS THAT DO NOT DO MUCH.

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