
How does covid incentive work?

I know from a family member now that the company i work for are crooked and to check my pay. Problem is before i started or had to train with a super unprofessional office manager that i complained about who is a favorite and i got shut up about, the nurse quoted that i would get covid incentive for that home because a client there had covid, while starting he was still in quarantine for the first days an which i asked about the incentive on the second day and according to them just went out the window, for me at least and also is “only for 5 days once the person is tested” which i don't know when he was but while i started someone else from the house was still on leave because of Covid, everyone was coughing too but this past week another client who gets dropped…

I know from a family member now that the company i work for are crooked and to check my pay. Problem is before i started or had to train with a super unprofessional office manager that i complained about who is a favorite and i got shut up about, the nurse quoted that i would get covid incentive for that home because a client there had covid, while starting he was still in quarantine for the first days an which i asked about the incentive on the second day and according to them just went out the window, for me at least and also is “only for 5 days once the person is tested” which i don't know when he was but while i started someone else from the house was still on leave because of Covid, everyone was coughing too but this past week another client who gets dropped off hasn't came because of the covid- i got sick and apparently don't get incentive after 5 days from when the first positive was although i started and asked at least a day within the 5 the nurse quoted me incentive

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