
how enforced is a notice period?

im sure this had been asked a billion times but anyway started my new job on monday (UK). training lasts two weeks. my notice period is one week. turned in my notice on wednesday bc i hate this job because im just training and havent even done any real work, i assumed they would let me go immediately, but my manager indicated that ‘ideally id work to my full notice period’ i want to quit NOW!!! is this ok?? im literally not doing any work. i sit here doing the bear minimum i already have a job lined up the day after i am officially no longer employed here it is in my contract to give a weeks notice, but can i just say i dont want to do that? is it negotiable??

im sure this had been asked a billion times but anyway

started my new job on monday (UK). training lasts two weeks. my notice period is one week. turned in my notice on wednesday bc i hate this job

because im just training and havent even done any real work, i assumed they would let me go immediately, but my manager indicated that ‘ideally id work to my full notice period’

i want to quit NOW!!! is this ok?? im literally not doing any work. i sit here doing the bear minimum

i already have a job lined up the day after i am officially no longer employed here

it is in my contract to give a weeks notice, but can i just say i dont want to do that? is it negotiable??

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