
How is it that the government can take taxes from citizens and shove them into private businesses?

I've not studied economics or politics so you might wanna ELI5. My question might sound stupid, but aren't taxes meant to found common stuff? Like roads, parks, schools, the army and so on. If I take private business X, I can buy shares/stocks/equity (idk which one is the correct term) or I can buy their services. It's trade. I get something they get something. But then the state becomes the middleman. Steals half my paycheck as “taxes” and gives it to the private businesses, which uses it to make profit. But I get nothing. I don't get a better city (cause obviously the money doesn't build anything) and I don't get what the business has to sell. So the state essentially comes to my door asking for money, I happily shell out and then it goes and gambles it away. I could've gambled that money myself, I don't need the…

I've not studied economics or politics so you might wanna ELI5. My question might sound stupid, but aren't taxes meant to found common stuff? Like roads, parks, schools, the army and so on.

If I take private business X, I can buy shares/stocks/equity (idk which one is the correct term) or I can buy their services. It's trade. I get something they get something.

But then the state becomes the middleman. Steals half my paycheck as “taxes” and gives it to the private businesses, which uses it to make profit. But I get nothing. I don't get a better city (cause obviously the money doesn't build anything) and I don't get what the business has to sell.

So the state essentially comes to my door asking for money, I happily shell out and then it goes and gambles it away.

I could've gambled that money myself, I don't need the state to do that for me.

Disclaimer: I'm talking in a general sens about the whole world, not just the US. I know the US is the most famous example of this but I don't live there and don't really care much about specific laws, just the basic reasoning/explanation behind the practice.

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