
How Long Do I Wait?

I’ve worked for a company since May 2020. Supervisor level (assistant dept manager). Two weeks ago, was told I was being transferred to a worse store that would have ended up costing me a LOT more just in fuel (traffic meant the 40-minute estimated drive would realistically be over an hour, ONE WAY – my current drive was literally three minutes so it was a HUGE change). I was given less than a weeks notice of the transfer. A few days prior to transfer date, was offered a job in my chosen field. Slight pay cut but MUCH less stress (currently on migraine meds, anti-anxiety meds, antidepressants, AND muscle relaxers bc of the job and its physical/psychological toll on me). Accepted new job. Two days prior to transfer date, had left a typed letter for store management (manager left before I had a break to speak to them directly), requesting…

I’ve worked for a company since May 2020. Supervisor level (assistant dept manager). Two weeks ago, was told I was being transferred to a worse store that would have ended up costing me a LOT more just in fuel (traffic meant the 40-minute estimated drive would realistically be over an hour, ONE WAY – my current drive was literally three minutes so it was a HUGE change). I was given less than a weeks notice of the transfer.

A few days prior to transfer date, was offered a job in my chosen field. Slight pay cut but MUCH less stress (currently on migraine meds, anti-anxiety meds, antidepressants, AND muscle relaxers bc of the job and its physical/psychological toll on me). Accepted new job.

Two days prior to transfer date, had left a typed letter for store management (manager left before I had a break to speak to them directly), requesting immediate step-down from current role and reduction in hours to accommodate new job in field of choice. Texted copy to HR rep. I have yet to hear a peep, it’s been four full days now.

Do I keep waiting for their reply? Or should I take the radio silence as constructive dismissal? I’m leaning towards the latter, personally. What I went through in that job, what they expected of me and my team – they honestly aren’t worth fighting to retain employment. I just don’t like not having any communication whatsoever.

I think I’ll pad my paycheck with some gig work on one of my off days, until/unless I can find a very part time job…

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