
How many hours is your life worth ???

In a human life span of 75 years, we are alive for 657,000 Hrs. Of those 657,000 Hrs, if you started working 40hrs a week at the age of 18, you would’ve spent 57 years, or 118,560 hrs of your life working by the time you make it to 75 (if you make it to 75). This is of course without taking into account that most people now a days are forced to start working full time or multiple jobs much sooner than 18 years of age due to rising cost’s of living. These hours are also not taking commute times into account of which add up to thousands of Hrs. To put 118,560 hrs into perspective, you could walk the circumference of Earth approx 8,300 times. Food for thought.

In a human life span of 75 years, we are alive for 657,000 Hrs. Of those 657,000 Hrs, if you started working 40hrs a week at the age of 18, you would’ve spent 57 years, or 118,560 hrs of your life working by the time you make it to 75 (if you make it to 75). This is of course without taking into account that most people now a days are forced to start working full time or multiple jobs much sooner than 18 years of age due to rising cost’s of living. These hours are also not taking commute times into account of which add up to thousands of Hrs.

To put 118,560 hrs into perspective, you could walk the circumference of Earth approx 8,300 times.

Food for thought.

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