
How much can they legally over work you in a salary job?

Sorry if how I asked that doesn’t make sense lol. This isn’t happening to me but a friend of mine so I also apologize if I got half baked info, I’m just trying to help them as much as I can. Okay so my friend had a receptionist job at this place that helps homeless people and addicts at will (I mentioned this bc it’s not a job where you can ignore things), meaning they could refused help and walk away at any point. Anyways recently one of her bosses was let go and they instantly came to them for the position. They completely undersold her responsibilities to them, while at the same time my friend was open about their lack of qualifications and experience. Every week since their hiring they have slowly increased her hours week to week, to the point here this week they’re pushing 70-80 and they’re…

Sorry if how I asked that doesn’t make sense lol. This isn’t happening to me but a friend of mine so I also apologize if I got half baked info, I’m just trying to help them as much as I can. Okay so my friend had a receptionist job at this place that helps homeless people and addicts at will (I mentioned this bc it’s not a job where you can ignore things), meaning they could refused help and walk away at any point. Anyways recently one of her bosses was let go and they instantly came to them for the position. They completely undersold her responsibilities to them, while at the same time my friend was open about their lack of qualifications and experience. Every week since their hiring they have slowly increased her hours week to week, to the point here this week they’re pushing 70-80 and they’re completely exhausted. They literally just them in to do a 7 hour shift and I want to know if there’s anything they can do? I don’t even think they should be on the road (I forgot to mention that driving a bus is apart of their job) with the amount of sleep they’ve gotten. Is pushing a person that hard even legal? Sorry for the giant wall of text, I’m just trying to get this out as fast as possible. Thanks in advance

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