
How much do you think you should get paid if you were to work with street residents? Thoughts???

I’m a safety ambassador for the downtown (not gonna say which) part of the job is dealing with street residents and asking them relocate or offer resources. (Job pays 17) Now they’re going to add this new position called Quality of Life, which will be working more 1 on 1 with street residents and trying to make a profile for them to know what they need. I was offered the position and I gladly accepted because it’s something I want to do but the job will be paying between 17.50 and 18. I was told I was going to be doing the job on my own and they still haven’t told me about training so… There was a written response guide that was given to managers and residents of the downtown and this is what it says. DOWNTOWN ALLIANCE QUALITY OF LIFE RESPONSE GUIDE (Business Owners, Property Owners/Managers and Residents)…

I’m a safety ambassador for the downtown (not gonna say which) part of the job is dealing with street residents and asking them relocate or offer resources. (Job pays 17) Now they’re going to add this new position called Quality of Life, which will be working more 1 on 1 with street residents and trying to make a profile for them to know what they need. I was offered the position and I gladly accepted because it’s something I want to do but the job will be paying between 17.50 and 18. I was told I was going to be doing the job on my own and they still haven’t told me about training so…

There was a written response guide that was given to managers and residents of the downtown and this is what it says.


(Business Owners, Property Owners/Managers and Residents)
Downtown ******** Alliance (DLBA) believes that Quality of Life issues that may extend from persons
experiencing homelessness, and/or those with mental health and substance abuse disorders can
sometimes be a matter of concern for Downtown stakeholders. Addressing Quality of Life issues
requires sustained awareness, engagement and partnerships across public and private sectors to provide
a healthy, safe and prosperous downtown for all. DLBA is committed to doing its part to meet this
As part of our ongoing efforts to serve Downtown's stakeholders, DLBA helps small business owners,
residents and property managers navigate the challenges sometimes posed when engaging persons
experiencing homelessness and/or suffering from mental health issues. Understandably, it can be an
uncomfortable and sometimes intimidating experience, but it is essential for our community not to turn
a blind eye to homelessness to people who may need the extra support. It is also important to remember
that simply being homeless is not illegal and we cannot arrest or enforce our way to a safer City, we all
play a part in contributing to the solutions. At DLBA, we make every effort to connect our local
population of people who are experiencing homelessness to service providers in hopes of helping them
receive medical treatment and/or transition into permanent housing.
The 17 scenarios and responses in this Quality-of-Life Response Guide are intended to provide
businesses, residents, property managers and others some basic guidance when engaging individuals who
are experiencing homelessness or mental stress, but this is by no means an exhaustive list or substitute
for one's own feeling of security based on actual circumstances. If you feel threatened or unsafe at any
point in time, your best option is to call 91 I for the ******* Police Department (PD).
DLBA Safety Ambassadors are trained to engage with individuals experiencing homelessness to
deescalate situations and build a level of trust that supports ongoing dialogue and problem solving on
behalf of stakeholders. They are not a security force with authority to arrest individuals engaged in
criminal activity. However, they work closely with police, fire and homeless outreach partners to address
quality of life issues before they escalate into larger problems.
DLBA's wishes to thank PD, ********* Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Communications and
*********'s City Manager for their contributions to this resource guide.

(I just think it’s bullshit because we’re so under valued and underpaid)

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