
How much is YOUR time worth?

Sitting here having a thought and wanted to see what everyone thinks. People always talk about how much their time is worth and using this to help focus on a salary/pay range. I think this is great as I truly believe that time is precious and valuable. However, it seems that the equation most often lacks the full data. I feel that it is not just the “time” of the employee that needs to be factored in but also the “time” of the employer. Without the employee, the employer would need to do the “work” … correct? Hypothetically, if I was the CEO of a business and that business’s survival depended on my ability to have the freedom of “time” then…. to have an employee which allowed this would be extremely valuable to me! So… during salary/raise talks with the boss … ask them “ How much is YOUR time…

Sitting here having a thought and wanted to see what everyone thinks. People always talk about how much their time is worth and using this to help focus on a salary/pay range. I think this is great as I truly believe that time is precious and valuable. However, it seems that the equation most often lacks the full data. I feel that it is not just the “time” of the employee that needs to be factored in but also the “time” of the employer. Without the employee, the employer would need to do the “work” … correct? Hypothetically, if I was the CEO of a business and that business’s survival depended on my ability to have the freedom of “time” then…. to have an employee which allowed this would be extremely valuable to me! So… during salary/raise talks with the boss … ask them “ How much is YOUR time worth”!!

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