
How much of a raise is actually considered a raise?

Context: Recently I got a raise “to show signs of appreciation and to acknowledge my work in the workplace” however since that raise my hours have been reduced by 8-10 hours maybe even more. This is due to management trying to implement a scheduling strategy to “give us more days off/have to be at work less(starting an hour later even tho the number of responsibilities remain the same)”. As a result my paycheck has been lower than before i received my raise. It just kind of feels like them telling us “go work your ass off even harder than you already are by giving you a smaller time window, but to make you shut up here is a dollow raise”. I’ve talked to a few coworkers about this feeling and one of them mentioned that apparently of we don’t have as many hours, it will translate to a better tip…

Context: Recently I got a raise “to show signs of appreciation and to acknowledge my work in the workplace” however since that raise my hours have been reduced by 8-10 hours maybe even more. This is due to management trying to implement a scheduling strategy to “give us more days off/have to be at work less(starting an hour later even tho the number of responsibilities remain the same)”. As a result my paycheck has been lower than before i received my raise.

It just kind of feels like them telling us “go work your ass off even harder than you already are by giving you a smaller time window, but to make you shut up here is a dollow raise”.

I’ve talked to a few coworkers about this feeling and one of them mentioned that apparently of we don’t have as many hours, it will translate to a better tip out. Which this sound extremely bs to me, i hope its not true cause I’d be livid if the dude thats only here once or twice a week gets more tips than me slaving 40~ hours a week.

And even if that is the case, does that mean my wage is going to be half from hourly half from tips? My tips already compensates 1/3 of what i usually earn as it is rn, I cant have that terrible variable turn into a 1/2.

Sorry for long rant but it feels like everywhere i go they will stab you in the back someway or another or im just being soft in this industry.

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