
How much should someone ask for in this promotion?

Hey guys, My wife has been working at a pretty big health call center for nearly a decade now. Recently they opened a lead position which she applied and interviewed for. Long story short, she got an offer. The problem is that I personally think the wage is far too low when you weigh in the change and her new responsibilities. She currently works full time for about 24 an hour. They have offered her 26.25. A $2 raise. I told her she should ask another lead what their wage currently is to gauge the wages and properly ask and negotiate but as per usual, it’s a whole thing over there where everyone that works there fears some time of consequences if caught. Added details: She will be a lead to a 4-5 employees Training of said employees Change in schedule Possibly a new location Might work on shortages or…

Hey guys,

My wife has been working at a pretty big health call center for nearly a decade now. Recently they opened a lead position which she applied and interviewed for.

Long story short, she got an offer. The problem is that I personally think the wage is far too low when you weigh in the change and her new responsibilities.

She currently works full time for about 24 an hour. They have offered her 26.25. A $2 raise.

I told her she should ask another lead what their wage currently is to gauge the wages and properly ask and negotiate but as per usual, it’s a whole thing over there where everyone that works there fears some time of consequences if caught.

Added details:

She will be a lead to a 4-5 employees

Training of said employees

Change in schedule

Possibly a new location

Might work on shortages or call outs

Be involved in future hiring process for her group

Tried to look up the location for salaries but they keep it tight. None posted anywhere. Would post the place but I don’t want her in trouble and I believe it violates a rule here anyways.

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