
How much tip is fair?

So, I've been to the states for the first time and there are a lot of places where you pay before you even get your stuff (especially coffee) and I was wondering: how much tip do you give in that case? There's no real service provided, except for the making of the coffee itself. I just don't know, because where I am from, you would just round it up to next even number, no worries wether it's 20 cents or 1 Euro max. But I don't want to insult anybody and obviously show solidarity to workers as well. I just felt 20% was a bit much…

So, I've been to the states for the first time and there are a lot of places where you pay before you even get your stuff (especially coffee) and I was wondering: how much tip do you give in that case? There's no real service provided, except for the making of the coffee itself. I just don't know, because where I am from, you would just round it up to next even number, no worries wether it's 20 cents or 1 Euro max. But I don't want to insult anybody and obviously show solidarity to workers as well. I just felt 20% was a bit much…

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