
How on earth is it legal for companies to ask my sexual orientation now?

I've sent out 112 applications this week (my job sucks) and several asked me my sexual orientation. How is this legal? I feel like if I choose to not disclose, a recruiter will view it negatively, if I say I'm straight or gay the recruiter might have an issue with it. Why is it relevant who I fuck? I don't owe them that information. It's not forward thinking to me. It seems like another reason for exclusion.

I've sent out 112 applications this week (my job sucks) and several asked me my sexual orientation. How is this legal? I feel like if I choose to not disclose, a recruiter will view it negatively, if I say I'm straight or gay the recruiter might have an issue with it. Why is it relevant who I fuck? I don't owe them that information. It's not forward thinking to me. It seems like another reason for exclusion.

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