
How should a company answer this question?

I learned this through TikTok and it really is pretty helpful when being job interviewed. in the TikTok, this lady suggested three questions that you should ask when the hiring manager says “Is there any questions for me?”. The final question that she said to ask was in the lines of “Can you tell me the last person that I left and why is that the case?”. Apparently this is one of the questions that can detect red flags, but I don’t know how to decipher a good vs bad company. How should a company answer this question? FYI: I just got done with an interview, and the hiring manager said that the last person that “left” the company was because they were not putting a lot of effort (in my own words). The hiring manager emphasized that if you don’t want to put in the effort, then you might…

I learned this through TikTok and it really is pretty helpful when being job interviewed. in the TikTok, this lady suggested three questions that you should ask when the hiring manager says “Is there any questions for me?”.

The final question that she said to ask was in the lines of “Can you tell me the last person that I left and why is that the case?”. Apparently this is one of the questions that can detect red flags, but I don’t know how to decipher a good vs bad company. How should a company answer this question?

FYI: I just got done with an interview, and the hiring manager said that the last person that “left” the company was because they were not putting a lot of effort (in my own words). The hiring manager emphasized that if you don’t want to put in the effort, then you might as well work at McDonald’s or a simple retail job (this interview was for a banking company).

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