
How should I go about addressing an employer who apparently blatantly misrepresented their salary range?

Applied for a job with a salary range within my parameters. I'm new to the field (only just finished school for it a few months ago) and was definitely expecting to get the minimum due to that, which worked for me. So I've only been applying for jobs with a minimum I can work with. During the phone interview, recruiter tells me they'd actually pay an entire 10k less than what they listed as the minimum. I didn't say anything; I thought it must've been MY mistake and I must have gotten the range wrong when I applied, or it was just an Indeed estimate I accidentally mistook for their own. But of course, after the call ended, I go on Indeed and see they did in fact apparently lie about the range. It was listed there plain as day. During the call, recruiter tells me something along the lines…

Applied for a job with a salary range within my parameters. I'm new to the field (only just finished school for it a few months ago) and was definitely expecting to get the minimum due to that, which worked for me. So I've only been applying for jobs with a minimum I can work with.

During the phone interview, recruiter tells me they'd actually pay an entire 10k less than what they listed as the minimum. I didn't say anything; I thought it must've been MY mistake and I must have gotten the range wrong when I applied, or it was just an Indeed estimate I accidentally mistook for their own. But of course, after the call ended, I go on Indeed and see they did in fact apparently lie about the range. It was listed there plain as day.

During the call, recruiter tells me something along the lines of they'll be sending me some kind of questionnaire to fill out over the weekend (call was this past Friday). I never got it and assumed they weren't interested, which was absolutely fine by me given the salary discrepancy. But yesterday she emails me saying they'd like to see me for second round of interviews.

I guess it's possible the recruiter was mistaken, but I doubt that. I'm not sure what to say in response to her, as I've never really negotiated salary before upon getting hired, but I didn't think I'd have to negotiate to begin with. (I also don't feel I'm in a great position to negotiate given my newness to the field, which this company likely knew.) I'd appreciate any advice on how to respond/go about this.

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