
How should I respond to HR’s “homework”?

After working 5 years in a department store I've become a little jaded towards the useless unpaid meetings before our shifts and have started to clock in 3-5 minutes before my shift starts rather than the expected 10 minutes. Every morning the general manager does a roll call and comments on people's absences. HR noticed that I'm supposedly “hiding in the back” during this time and called a meeting with my manager to discuss this with me. While they reassured me that they love my work the message of the meeting was “we're not scolding you. It's just really frowned upon and the gm doesn't like it.” One of the examples they shared of super important info I was missing out on was the free ice cream available that day in a particular room. They forgot that I'm not 12 years old lol After my manager left HR guy decided…

After working 5 years in a department store I've become a little jaded towards the useless unpaid meetings before our shifts and have started to clock in 3-5 minutes before my shift starts rather than the expected 10 minutes. Every morning the general manager does a roll call and comments on people's absences. HR noticed that I'm supposedly “hiding in the back” during this time and called a meeting with my manager to discuss this with me. While they reassured me that they love my work the message of the meeting was “we're not scolding you. It's just really frowned upon and the gm doesn't like it.” One of the examples they shared of super important info I was missing out on was the free ice cream available that day in a particular room. They forgot that I'm not 12 years old lol

After my manager left HR guy decided to ask way too personal questions like if I live with anyone, if I have friends, what am I truly passionate about, and then the interview questions i.e. “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” I didn't know what to say. “Where do you see yourself next week?” I didn't know what to say. All I'm thinking is that I'm depressed and burnt out and probably have undiagnosed ADHD and am tired of working in place where nothing seems to function but am too afraid to try anything else.

He told me that he's giving me homework for the weekend. The homework is to answer the question: “who do you want to be?” and we shall reconvene on Monday. I hate this.

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