
How should retail employee deal with the mentally ill?

Hi Antiwork, Not sure if this is the right place but I wanted to rant and ask for advice. Lately there has been in increase in traffic at the retail store I work for of people who are convinced they are being stalked, hacked, conspiracies of people out to get them… I sell mobile phone and mobile phone accessories. Management has deemed that unless a customer is “physically threatening” us (not meaning threatening physical violence, but actually being physically violent) we are not allowed to turn down service. Most of these people are easy to satisfy. You swap a sim card, change a phone number, reset a pin and advise them to seek a professional cyber security expert. Some are kind of medium where I worry more about their safety than our own. A repeat that comes in to swap sims every month usually blocks the door way to tell…

Hi Antiwork,

Not sure if this is the right place but I wanted to rant and ask for advice. Lately there has been in increase in traffic at the retail store I work for of people who are convinced they are being stalked, hacked, conspiracies of people out to get them… I sell mobile phone and mobile phone accessories. Management has deemed that unless a customer is “physically threatening” us (not meaning threatening physical violence, but actually being physically violent) we are not allowed to turn down service. Most of these people are easy to satisfy. You swap a sim card, change a phone number, reset a pin and advise them to seek a professional cyber security expert. Some are kind of medium where I worry more about their safety than our own. A repeat that comes in to swap sims every month usually blocks the door way to tell people good bye. He refers to them by mom or pops or jesus or himself. Some people just laugh it off and go. Others get ready to swing before realizing the kids not all there. And some are absolute train=wrecks that if told no will accuse you of being involved in the conspiracy and threaten to call the cops or president or CEO of Kohls who is their god father, etc. One such customer tonight had called in to change their number, then come in to do so, and accused us of helping their stalker as she no longer recalled changing her number. The kicker is higher ups have helped her before, and literally told her to come back when only us grunts are there… Upon further inspection of her account I found her bills are handled by one of those trust companys that people have to have when they are deemed incompetent or whatever…

What do you do in these situations?

Am I right in feeling management should have a better policy than “they gotta swing to be asked to leave”?

Am I wrong for feeling like the company doesn't have my back in this situation?

Should I call this trust company like “come get your lady”?

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