
How to ask for a raise at a job I’m not prepared to leave

I was always taught that when asking for a raise you are convinced you deserve, you should be prepared to leave the job if you do not get it. I've got a pretty great job, I love what I do, my coworkers are great and so far my direct manager and upper management have also been very pleasant. I also work in a pretty niche job and while that means that I know I am very valuable to my job, it also means that I know that finding another job like this is gonna be near impossible, they just aren't out there. My current contract is ending soon, I have been at this job for 6ish months now. I have already been told they want to give me a new one because they are very happy with me and don't want to lose me. For my new contract I want…

I was always taught that when asking for a raise you are convinced you deserve, you should be prepared to leave the job if you do not get it. I've got a pretty great job, I love what I do, my coworkers are great and so far my direct manager and upper management have also been very pleasant. I also work in a pretty niche job and while that means that I know I am very valuable to my job, it also means that I know that finding another job like this is gonna be near impossible, they just aren't out there.
My current contract is ending soon, I have been at this job for 6ish months now. I have already been told they want to give me a new one because they are very happy with me and don't want to lose me. For my new contract I want to ask for a pay raise but I know that I don't want to leave this job and I worry that that might not give my ask enough “teeth”.

I currently make about 13.50 an hour, I'd like to make 15. Should I aim higher, say 16, and then “settle” for 15 or is it better to just come out and say what I would like to make?

*This might all be moot, my upper manager might be perfectly happy to grant my request, but I'd feel better if I knew how to handle myself if he doesn't. *

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