- I work as a business analyst
- The company I work at has 1k employees and is global. My office is in Houston
- There's 7 other BAs on my team
- I have been at this company and in this role for 6 years
- We have 'unlimited PTO', and I have used 5-6 weeks each year
- I am burning out and need an extended break of around 5-8 weeks. The only time I've missed work was in 2017– I missed 2 weeks due to surgery. I hope to take this time off in May or June
- I considered quitting, taking several months to recharge, then searching for a new job when I'm ready– but my research indicates that it's significantly more challenging to get a new job when you're unemployed vs employed. So I'd prefer to avoid that path
- Looking for feasible ideas on how to approach HR. I'm 90% certain that if I just told them I wanted 8 weeks off UNPAID, they would agree. My finances are fine and I could do that, but ideally I want to get paid