
How To Be Confident in a Meeting

Hey all! I am about 2 months into a new teaching gig. Not public school, a private organization. It has become clear to me that the company is struggling to retain staff and provide the high quality care it advertises. There are a lot of really cool, but unexperienced admin that I am meeting with today to try and discuss the sustainability of 1) me staying as an employee, and 2) keeping the business open. I'm looking for tips on how to communicate that there are multiple areas of concern that need addressing, while not being a dick, and still being confident? I'm a tiny enby who need the confidence of a mediocre Wallstreet businessperson. Help!

Hey all!

I am about 2 months into a new teaching gig. Not public school, a private organization. It has become clear to me that the company is struggling to retain staff and provide the high quality care it advertises.

There are a lot of really cool, but unexperienced admin that I am meeting with today to try and discuss the sustainability of 1) me staying as an employee, and 2) keeping the business open.

I'm looking for tips on how to communicate that there are multiple areas of concern that need addressing, while not being a dick, and still being confident?

I'm a tiny enby who need the confidence of a mediocre Wallstreet businessperson. Help!

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