
How to be happy working

First off, I’m leaving my toxic workplace in 2 months after being here for two years. I’m so close, but I am so miserable every day. It got me thinking… those of you in similar situations, how do you stay happy each day? I just don’t want to feel this miserable for the next two months. The only things that somewhat work for me- having a countdown, focusing on my time outside of work. I just don’t know what to do to not hate life when I am here.

First off, I’m leaving my toxic workplace in 2 months after being here for two years. I’m so close, but I am so miserable every day. It got me thinking… those of you in similar situations, how do you stay happy each day? I just don’t want to feel this miserable for the next two months.

The only things that somewhat work for me- having a countdown, focusing on my time outside of work. I just don’t know what to do to not hate life when I am here.

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