
How to come to terms with the fact that I will have to work until I die?

Obviously I'm not saying I refuse to work and that I just want to sit at home playing games and leeching off others. Because I realize some work is necessary and the things I do everyday and take for granted would not be possible without the labor of others. This phone that I used to write this – someone else designed it, manufactured it and built it. Someone else made the clothes that I wear. The bus won't go anywhere without a bus driver. I can't buy groceries without truck drivers, cashiers and people stocking shelves. So in a way, everyone contributes something, so that everyone's lives can be a little easier. But at the same time I feel like a slave. Like I have no choice – contribute or starve to death. And if I tell someone I have a problem with that? Then that's a mental illness, I'm…

Obviously I'm not saying I refuse to work and that I just want to sit at home playing games and leeching off others. Because I realize some work is necessary and the things I do everyday and take for granted would not be possible without the labor of others.

This phone that I used to write this – someone else designed it, manufactured it and built it. Someone else made the clothes that I wear. The bus won't go anywhere without a bus driver. I can't buy groceries without truck drivers, cashiers and people stocking shelves. So in a way, everyone contributes something, so that everyone's lives can be a little easier.

But at the same time I feel like a slave. Like I have no choice – contribute or starve to death. And if I tell someone I have a problem with that? Then that's a mental illness, I'm an entitled lazy brat and I need to see a shrink. If everyone must earn a living, then humans don't have the right to live by default, and people who don't work deserve to die.

I just want to feel like I have some agency in my life, I want my choices to matter. I don't want to be someone's punching bag and just be told what to do 40 hours a week. I want to feel like a person, not a robot following instructions.

This way of living is making me incredibly depressed and I honestly can't even imagine having to do this for the next 50 years just to have a chance to retire.

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