
How to fix corporation work-structure

– Managers should never earn more than workers they work with- Managers' clothing should never be more elegant than that of workers they work with.- Management should be always older than the workers they work with.- Managers' offices should never be more luxurious or indicate any higher prestige than that of the workers they work with.- All manager meetings as long as they don't have confidential information should be recorded and accessible to all members of the company, to see what they are doing and if they are even worthwhile. – Board of Directors board should have a worker representative, that is elected by the workers themselves to be able to present the workers' perspective and advocate for them in conflicts with management to create a balance and fair representation and make the workers feel safe and not alone. – Every worker should have the e-mail of the CEO who…

– Managers should never earn more than workers they work with- Managers' clothing should never be more elegant than that of workers they work with.- Management should be always older than the workers they work with.- Managers' offices should never be more luxurious or indicate any higher prestige than that of the workers they work with.- All manager meetings as long as they don't have confidential information should be recorded and accessible to all members of the company, to see what they are doing and if they are even worthwhile.

– Board of Directors board should have a worker representative, that is elected by the workers themselves to be able to present the workers' perspective and advocate for them in conflicts with management to create a balance and fair representation and make the workers feel safe and not alone.

– Every worker should have the e-mail of the CEO who will spend personally about 3 hours a week dealing with major complaints and improvement opportunities. (filtered threw secretary first of course to prevent spam, altho this will close to never happen)- The CEO should create a work culture in which workers are seen as the most valuable people in the company,- a healthy work-life balance should be promoted, with a focus on work during the time of work, productivity should be key which means no burnout rates, and short very effective periods of work instead of ineffective time-consuming, low-energy activities.

– prevent as much as possible the separation of work activities meaning, don't create a position only for calls and the other position for closing, try to involve employees in a holistic project, room to breathe, and decision-making, is key to preventing burnout which is often caused by factory assembly one action work.
– give women that work at the company period-free days (nobody wants to work with women when they have their periods, and it's very hard for them), and give men the equivalent of free days.
– I know this will be controversial for a lot of you here, but no women in managerial positions- There should be no pay discrimination based on gender- Woman should have their own representative on the board of directors to be able to voice any complaints and any sexism or mistreatment at the workplace.
– Women that are pregnant should NEVER work, the stress can impact the development of the child. And it is key that they spend time with their children when they are young (WFH)
– Older workers should be involved in conflict resolution and expertise, to feel valued, and should not be fired and fired before retirement age.

In the board of directors, I would include a Catholic Church representative, who would be totally unbiased (due to the nature of the Church and its financial as well as organizational resources). The Catholic Church has proven threw out more than a thousand years, fighting for free days, and worker rights, while supporting unions, while also making obedience and compliance and the workers part essential. The goal is to create an environment in which protecting the vulnerable, forgiveness, as well as humility, and all other great virtues like servant leadership will be seen as the goal to achieve, and people that strive to achieve them respected.(Of course, nobody would be forced to be part of the church, nor discriminated against because he is not part of it when it comes to promotions or any other position), it is meant to be a balance check.

*Probably most of you will not agree with all points, many are seen as incredibly controversial nowadays, but hopefully, some parts of it will inspire you.

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