
How to get around new back to the office rule?

My employer just announced that all employees within a 25 mile radius of the office must come in three days a week. Apparently, in a survey no one even remembers taking, we all said we miss collaborating. I live within 25 miles of the office but can’t and won’t go in. I was hired for a fully remote role a year ago and that is what my contract states, had I known I would have to be back in office I wouldn’t have taken the job. Aside from quitting, my only idea so far is saying I’m in the process of moving and asking a friend to use their address. What issues could arise from this plan that I’m not thinking of? Does anyone have any better ideas/suggestions?

My employer just announced that all employees within a 25 mile radius of the office must come in three days a week. Apparently, in a survey no one even remembers taking, we all said we miss collaborating.

I live within 25 miles of the office but can’t and won’t go in. I was hired for a fully remote role a year ago and that is what my contract states, had I known I would have to be back in office I wouldn’t have taken the job.

Aside from quitting, my only idea so far is saying I’m in the process of moving and asking a friend to use their address. What issues could arise from this plan that I’m not thinking of? Does anyone have any better ideas/suggestions?

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