
How to get away from the computer when camera is required?

I recently started a new job and for the next 3 weeks I am required to have my camera on during training. Today I was sitting with the camera on wondering how do I get away with stepping away? They have someone here literally just to make sure our cameras stay on. To be honest I wouldn’t care if I had to have it on but would be free to just dip to the bathroom. I try to obviously time up bodily needs with the scheduled breaks, but I don’t get a break until 12:45 pm and I don’t get lunch until 2:30 pm and was unaware of this beforehand. Does anyone have a good way to get around this? I was thinking of maybe setting my camera up at a distance so you can’t see my small movements and one day just putting a picture up in front of…

I recently started a new job and for the next 3 weeks I am required to have my camera on during training. Today I was sitting with the camera on wondering how do I get away with stepping away? They have someone here literally just to make sure our cameras stay on. To be honest I wouldn’t care if I had to have it on but would be free to just dip to the bathroom. I try to obviously time up bodily needs with the scheduled breaks, but I don’t get a break until 12:45 pm and I don’t get lunch until 2:30 pm and was unaware of this beforehand. Does anyone have a good way to get around this? I was thinking of maybe setting my camera up at a distance so you can’t see my small movements and one day just putting a picture up in front of the camera taken from its current position (the job sends out the computer so I imagine there’s no secret way to just put a recording from the previous day up). The “training” is literally a PowerPoint of things I had to learn to get my license in this field of work being presented by my manager. There’s about 20 of us in this “training” so it’s not just a straight one on one and I imagine it would leave for a way to get around CONSTANTLY sitting at the computer during this. To be honest this mainly came about because I have to go to the bathroom super badly but it’s pretty much if you leave and it’s not an emergency you’re getting in trouble and not getting paid for some of the day.

I need to shit but I have to stay on camera for work and wondered ways to get around this without getting in trouble for leaving to the bathroom. It’s a work computer they gave me.

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