
How to handle bosses who always blame their staff?

I used to work for this company then I went freelance but still do some work for them. I was in a meeting with my ex boss and a client. My ex boss took an action to set up a call. I documented the meeting by email afterwards citing this action. 3 days later the ex boss asks me if I've sorted the issue. I told her that she took an action to set up a call. She claimed she was only cc'd in my email summary, the implication being it was my fault she forgot to arrange the call. I've had many bosses like this in the past, I usually just say, oh sure let me take care of that for you. In this case I just sent her a thumbs up emoji. What I really want to do is give her a lecture in taking responsibility and not…

I used to work for this company then I went freelance but still do some work for them. I was in a meeting with my ex boss and a client. My ex boss took an action to set up a call. I documented the meeting by email afterwards citing this action. 3 days later the ex boss asks me if I've sorted the issue. I told her that she took an action to set up a call. She claimed she was only cc'd in my email summary, the implication being it was my fault she forgot to arrange the call.

I've had many bosses like this in the past, I usually just say, oh sure let me take care of that for you. In this case I just sent her a thumbs up emoji.

What I really want to do is give her a lecture in taking responsibility and not making excuses and if she doesn't take it seriously, escalate it to her boss. The way I see it is if people never take responsibility for their mistakes they never learn and that is overall bad for the business.

So what should I do, back down, help out, effectively let them get away with rolling the shit downhill or call them out on their bullshit and escalate as far as is necessary to achieve them taking responsibility.

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