
How to Lose An Entire Department in 10 Days

I’ve had a lot of jobs. Like, a lot a lot but have been at my job around 9 months now. This is a “build to rent” company that essentially builds homes, sells them to investors, and then continues to profit off of them by managing the rentals. They operate in incredibly oversaturated markets and we have been looking at homes sitting vacant for 4+ months while the investors foot the bill, pay their mortgage they were promised renters would be covering, and the company continues to profit off of both the investors and prospective tenants paying application fees on homes we have no intention of actually renting to them. The majority of investors are first time investors who were susceptible to this “get rich quick” scheme. It is all-around SLIMY. Things started off okay. Then my now-boss who barely graduated high school was promoted to “Marketing Manager” after being…

I’ve had a lot of jobs. Like, a lot a lot but have been at my job around 9 months now. This is a “build to rent” company that essentially builds homes, sells them to investors, and then continues to profit off of them by managing the rentals. They operate in incredibly oversaturated markets and we have been looking at homes sitting vacant for 4+ months while the investors foot the bill, pay their mortgage they were promised renters would be covering, and the company continues to profit off of both the investors and prospective tenants paying application fees on homes we have no intention of actually renting to them. The majority of investors are first time investors who were susceptible to this “get rich quick” scheme. It is all-around SLIMY.

Things started off okay. Then my now-boss who barely graduated high school was promoted to “Marketing Manager” after being allowed to work in the marketing department for 6 months because she didn’t like whatever tf clerical job she had within the company before. All while the people under her had actual degrees.. in marketing.. and experience working.. in marketing. I should have ran then when I realized the rampant nepotism running throughout the company but decided to stick it out. I somehow also overlooked that the Director of the company is 25 years old. Lmfao. Maybe I am the moron here.

My boss is a nice woman. She starts eating candy and chugging soda at 9am, openly sexts her husband all day, and makes the office smell like stale cigarettes but she is a nice woman. I don’t have a problem with any of that if she just did her fucking job. But for 6 months myself and one other woman carried the entire department on our backs because she just has no idea how anything works.

After being promised things would get better and we would be getting raises in January, the raises never come. Things get worse. She starts micromanaging and blaming us for her failures. She blames me for the sales team not making any sales because I’ve been telling investors the market is slow. She fires people/gets people fired left and right in a desperate attempt to seem like a manager trying to better the company. We were down to 3 people under her. Then she fires one of the three. We were drowning and not hiring at a rate to be able to keep up.

I started applying to jobs a few weeks ago and have something lined up paying almost twice what I’m making now. Being the last 2 standing, my colleague and I grew SO bitter SO fast. We both turned in our notice within 2 hours of each other today. The department is down to zero. Fuck you guys.

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