
How to make sure I am a good/efficient leader.

I work for a City. I accepted a new position within the city that is essentially a created position. This position will be a Lead/Supervisor position. Initially it'll be just me in the spot, but eventually I will have the ability to hire and assistant and potentially a team. I was a manager at “the worlds largest retail chain” for years and I believe I was a good Supervisor. I always had the “train your replacement” mentality. Unless it had to do with OSHA or HIPPA, there wasn't anything that I knew that I wouldn't freely teach/train anyone under me. Always completely open, honest and transparent with anyone. Would make it a point to actually stop and talk with everyone throughout the day and be 100% available when needed. I have ambition. I would like to move up to Director of a department or higher eventually. So going in to…

I work for a City. I accepted a new position within the city that is essentially a created position. This position will be a Lead/Supervisor position. Initially it'll be just me in the spot, but eventually I will have the ability to hire and assistant and potentially a team. I was a manager at “the worlds largest retail chain” for years and I believe I was a good Supervisor. I always had the “train your replacement” mentality. Unless it had to do with OSHA or HIPPA, there wasn't anything that I knew that I wouldn't freely teach/train anyone under me. Always completely open, honest and transparent with anyone. Would make it a point to actually stop and talk with everyone throughout the day and be 100% available when needed. I have ambition. I would like to move up to Director of a department or higher eventually. So going in to this new position, what some advice I can store in the mental bank to ensure that I'm not only a successful lead, but a good supervisor that people actually want to work with/for? I know the 1st, 2nd and 3rd step is basically “don't be a dick”.

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