
How to quit

I have been working as a host at chain restaurants for the past 3 months. I have been getting more and more fed up with my job. I have a few reasons for quitting, but the main one is that I am not being fairly compensated for the work I do. As a host my main job is sitting people and managing the waitlist when necessary. That is what was on the application and what I was told during the interview. I make $12 an hour doing that, which would be great except that's not all I do. I bus tables as well. I estimate I bus around 80-90% of all dirty tables while I'm there. Which would be fine, except it's not my job. It is both the servers and food runners job to bus. So I am doing a large part of their job without getting paid to…

I have been working as a host at chain restaurants for the past 3 months. I have been getting more and more fed up with my job. I have a few reasons for quitting, but the main one is that I am not being fairly compensated for the work I do. As a host my main job is sitting people and managing the waitlist when necessary. That is what was on the application and what I was told during the interview. I make $12 an hour doing that, which would be great except that's not all I do. I bus tables as well. I estimate I bus around 80-90% of all dirty tables while I'm there. Which would be fine, except it's not my job. It is both the servers and food runners job to bus. So I am doing a large part of their job without getting paid to do it. I occasionally get tips, but not enough for me to be doing lots of their work. So I've decided to quit, but this will be my first time quitting so I don't know how to go about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

TLDR: I'm quitting my job, and need advice how.

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