
How to respond: Work may be ending their WFH agreement

My wife has a medical history that prevents her from driving. As a result, we have always carpooled to work and she has pursued opportunities that were convenient to my commute. 3 years ago when COVID-19 hit, we both were sent home to work. A year ago, they began a gradual return to office and she was granted a waiver to stay home due to her circumstances. This week, she was informed that her co-workers will be returning to office full time and that all waivers will be reevaluated (read: “denied”). She has been a model employee and the organization has had good years and she has had good performance reviews while working remotely. There have even been times when her working from an alternative work site have benefited the team. Unfortunately, based on our current arrangement, she will be unable to return to the office. What is our best…

My wife has a medical history that prevents her from driving. As a result, we have always carpooled to work and she has pursued opportunities that were convenient to my commute. 3 years ago when COVID-19 hit, we both were sent home to work. A year ago, they began a gradual return to office and she was granted a waiver to stay home due to her circumstances.

This week, she was informed that her co-workers will be returning to office full time and that all waivers will be reevaluated (read: “denied”).

She has been a model employee and the organization has had good years and she has had good performance reviews while working remotely. There have even been times when her working from an alternative work site have benefited the team.

Unfortunately, based on our current arrangement, she will be unable to return to the office. What is our best course of action if they refuse to extend her agreement?

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