
how to spring my wife from work today

Her work has a policy that you can't call in, even for emergencies or if you're deathly sick, unless you find someone to cover for you. If no one can cover, you are still responsible for the shift, and if you can't come in because, again, emergency, it counts on your record as a no show. Yes, we are both aware that this is a terrible call in policy, but she loves the work so she doesn't want to quit. Today she had requested off because a close family member is hosting a get together. She (my wife's aunt) was diagnosed with cancer one year ago and was given only a few months to live at that point. She's made it an entire year and she feels like celebrating, and we feel like celebrating with her. Her manager scheduled her anyway. My wife called everyone to try to get someone…

Her work has a policy that you can't call in, even for emergencies or if you're deathly sick, unless you find someone to cover for you. If no one can cover, you are still responsible for the shift, and if you can't come in because, again, emergency, it counts on your record as a no show. Yes, we are both aware that this is a terrible call in policy, but she loves the work so she doesn't want to quit.

Today she had requested off because a close family member is hosting a get together. She (my wife's aunt) was diagnosed with cancer one year ago and was given only a few months to live at that point. She's made it an entire year and she feels like celebrating, and we feel like celebrating with her.

Her manager scheduled her anyway. My wife called everyone to try to get someone to work a two hour shift, and no one was able to/wanted to. We accepted defeat, that she would just have to leave the event after an hour to go to work.

Today is the day. We wake up to the news that the event has been pushed back an hour. Now my wife can not go. I'm trying to think of ways to shame her managers into letting her skip this two hour shift. Her aunt is cool, and I'm sure if I asked she would love to go in and make a stink and play the cancer patient card. “What? No managers can come and cover this shift so my niece can spend some time with me before I DIE?”

We would have to leave for the event in an hour, give me good ideas guys.

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