
How to talk to manager in a firm way but not in a way that would make them shut down and not listen

I and one other coworker have volunteered to work overtime for Sunday. Part of what we have to do involves something that usually requires four or five strong guys to move something. I think its only myself and one other coworker this Sunday and I am a 5 foot tall woman; I am willing to do any work, even traditionally male jobs, but the fact is that I'm just not atring enough to help my coworker enough on this activity. My coworker is very kind and responsible to a fault and he seems to think he can do it on his own. He is strong but I'm concerned about his safety on Sunday. I'm planning on talking to our supervisor today and try to either get him to find some other people to help or to come in on Sunday and help himself. I'm not sure he has ever done…

I and one other coworker have volunteered to work overtime for Sunday. Part of what we have to do involves something that usually requires four or five strong guys to move something. I think its only myself and one other coworker this Sunday and I am a 5 foot tall woman; I am willing to do any work, even traditionally male jobs, but the fact is that I'm just not atring enough to help my coworker enough on this activity.

My coworker is very kind and responsible to a fault and he seems to think he can do it on his own. He is strong but I'm concerned about his safety on Sunday.

I'm planning on talking to our supervisor today and try to either get him to find some other people to help or to come in on Sunday and help himself. I'm not sure he has ever done this activity and he may not know how difficult it is. I'm not very confident in standing up for myself or others but I feel this is important. I also need to be respectful enough, regardless of my feelings, that he will actually listen to me instead of shutting down and dismissing me. I think he is generally a good person and will listen to an extent.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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