
How to Teach My Mom Class Consciousness

This subreddit has become synonymous in my mind with anticapitalism or at the very least anti upper class & anti big business, so I thought I’d ask here: Today, I learned that my democratic mom still believes in trickle down economics/Reaganomics. I always understood my mom was way more moderate than me, but I also thought that, at the very least, it was common sense amongst democrats that reaganomics has since been disproven. It immediately turned into an argument and I got shut down pretty quick. I don’t expect her to fully meet me at my current stance of anti capitalist who wants to destroy the upper class and believes there’s no such thing as a good rich person or a rich person who earned their money, but at the very least I want her to understand that large businesses and the upper class aren’t on our side. However, I…

This subreddit has become synonymous in my mind with anticapitalism or at the very least anti upper class & anti big business, so I thought I’d ask here: Today, I learned that my democratic mom still believes in trickle down economics/Reaganomics. I always understood my mom was way more moderate than me, but I also thought that, at the very least, it was common sense amongst democrats that reaganomics has since been disproven. It immediately turned into an argument and I got shut down pretty quick. I don’t expect her to fully meet me at my current stance of anti capitalist who wants to destroy the upper class and believes there’s no such thing as a good rich person or a rich person who earned their money, but at the very least I want her to understand that large businesses and the upper class aren’t on our side. However, I don’t have as strong an understanding on the topic as I like to believe, and also don’t know how to explain it without forcing it on her or making it defensive. Does anyone have any resources or strategies that

A. Can explain it better than I can with actual evidence, smart explanations, & strong rhetoric

B. Wont force it down her throat or make her defensive. More resources/strategies that sit down and have a conversation instead of yelling for revolution through a loudspeaker.

I normally don’t feel the need to force politics in this way, but this is something I feel strongly about and I just want the bare minimum of not actively supporting a broken economic system at her own expense from her.

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