
How to tell my boss “No or you’re going to have even less labor going forward” to mandatory overtime?

Some background of course: I work in a manufacturing shop but I don't actually operate any machining equipment or know what 99% of them do. I am primarily a driver that shuttles parts to get heat treated and or to the place where it will receive its finish. In my downtime (smaller shop) I mark parts and handle inventory (packaging, putting into stocks, setting locations for first run parts, etc). When I accepted the interview, it was for a driving position, no mention of any of these other (downtime) responsibilities. During the interview, the owner told me that my primary job is driving and part marking is secondary so, the impression I got is I will be driving a lot and part marking a little. This is mostly true though we have some slow days where I am stuck part marking and doing inventory stuff most of the day which…

Some background of course: I work in a manufacturing shop but I don't actually operate any machining equipment or know what 99% of them do. I am primarily a driver that shuttles parts to get heat treated and or to the place where it will receive its finish. In my downtime (smaller shop) I mark parts and handle inventory (packaging, putting into stocks, setting locations for first run parts, etc).

When I accepted the interview, it was for a driving position, no mention of any of these other (downtime) responsibilities. During the interview, the owner told me that my primary job is driving and part marking is secondary so, the impression I got is I will be driving a lot and part marking a little. This is mostly true though we have some slow days where I am stuck part marking and doing inventory stuff most of the day which is boring as all hell. I don't necessarily hate it but, its certainly my least favorite part of the job and makes the day DRAG.

I start work at 7 and end at 3:30. First break is at 9, lunch is at 11:30, last break at 1:30.

Today, an hour and a half before work is done (we only do one shift) the GM calls a meeting for everyone to attend. “Due to staff shortages everyone will be placed on mandatory overtime effective immediately.”

Let me do a quick aside here: He had mentioned during the meeting that they have been aggressively trying to recruit new people to the company and how befuddled he was that no one wants to work there or stay for longer than a month or two. We all know the answer to this, the pay is way below industry standard, can't use vacation pay until a year in, can't use sick pay until 3 months in (hey, at least we get those though).

Anyways, one would think overtime is an hour later? No, it's starting an hour earlier. So now I have to wake up at 4am to get to work by 6 to be underpaid to then do jobs outside of my job description, also 3 hours of work before break. EDIT: Ok, just realized, to be fair here, the tasks outside of my job description usually pay $15/hour and I will be making $30 for that one hour of overtime presumably doing said tasks.

So, how do I tell my GM “I'm not doing overtime and if you insist I am going to resign and you're going to have an even greater labor shortage” without saying “I'm not doing overtime and if you insist I am going to resign and you're going to have an even greater labor shortage”?

EDIT: Should clarify, I am the only driver. The only part marker, and a team of two for the rest of my responsibilities. The office staff are exempt from the overtime so its just the machinists duties that are really needed.

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