
How to use job offer as leverage for a raise?

Received offer from old place of employment for 20% more of what I am currently making. How can I use this as leverage for a raise at my current place? I would like to stay at the place I am at, but the money is too good pass up. My old boss reached out to me and I was not looking for a job at all. The job offer is to return to my exact position I left, but will be making 50% more from what my salary use to be. I left because the pay was too low.

Received offer from old place of employment for 20% more of what I am currently making. How can I use this as leverage for a raise at my current place? I would like to stay at the place I am at, but the money is too good pass up. My old boss reached out to me and I was not looking for a job at all. The job offer is to return to my exact position I left, but will be making 50% more from what my salary use to be. I left because the pay was too low.

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