
How to warn people

throwaway account u I got hired a while ago at this shady ass company. for me it’s kind of ok. I mean it’s basically just over minimum wage but it’s not that different than anything else. fine. EXCEPT they hired me during some kinda hiring frenzy. Like just handing jobs out like they’re going out of style. Easy, like walk in, drug test background, basic license for the job or not even and you’re in. No problem. They told us theres this big new contracts and they need to hire hundreds of people tell your friends. So I did. I sent a lot of people over and they got “hired” some people quit old job bc this is more $ and they promised flexible full time shifts right? they fired like almost everyone they hired BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT ONE SHIFT. Somehow not me. They said THOSE contracts fell through…

throwaway account u

I got hired a while ago at this shady ass company. for me it’s kind of ok. I mean it’s basically just over minimum wage but it’s not that different than anything else. fine. EXCEPT they hired me during some kinda hiring frenzy. Like just handing jobs out like they’re going out of style. Easy, like walk in, drug test background, basic license for the job or not even and you’re in. No problem. They told us theres this big new contracts and they need to hire hundreds of people tell your friends. So I did. I sent a lot of people over and they got “hired” some people quit old job bc this is more $ and they promised flexible full time shifts right?

they fired like almost everyone they hired BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT ONE SHIFT. Somehow not me. They said THOSE contracts fell through and they’ll call those people back when there is room. But I see them constantly putting up new ads for MORE people? And I hear crazy shit about the guy who owns it and horror stories about how people get treated. So far for me it’s ok aside from HR being the worst I’ve ever seen in my life. Worst! like just mean and not organized. but otherwise my supervisor is fine and work is basic. What do I do? how do i warn people meaning like people probably applying and maybe quitting old jobs? I’m scared they’ll know if I review them because they are aggressive fucks from what I hear. i can’t lose this job but they literally ruin people lives with false promises. I heard one girl got sexually harassed at another site and researching this company I’m seriously sketched out. Like I’m scared of them? I heard they threatened last employees for just looking for other jobs. I know look for other jobs but I’m just néed advise – I’m worried if I review them or speak up they’ll fire me or worse (like harass me or try to pull my license.

edited Typos sorry on phone

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