
How would you feel regarding this paternity leave?

I joined a startup about 9 months ago, with a few ex-colleagues from a company where paternity leave was 8 weeks. Two months later, my wife is pregnant, and in Sept of 2022 I inquire about the leave. I was assured it was being drafted. Fast forward to last week, and I inquire again (for 5th-6th time), and I was told the business seeks to be generous and I'll be getting two weeks paid. This feels like a slap in the face. Am I overreacting?

I joined a startup about 9 months ago, with a few ex-colleagues from a company where paternity leave was 8 weeks.

Two months later, my wife is pregnant, and in Sept of 2022 I inquire about the leave. I was assured it was being drafted. Fast forward to last week, and I inquire again (for 5th-6th time), and I was told the business seeks to be generous and I'll be getting two weeks paid.

This feels like a slap in the face. Am I overreacting?

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