
How would you handle this situation?

Hi, so I work for a relatively small company who has had record profits this past year. During our reviews, they told us they were giving everyone an $x/hr raise. Of course, after the first people heard this, it was pretty common knowledge throughout the whole place. So I went into my review expecting to hear that as well. Which I did. Except that instead of giving me the full raise now, I was given half now with the expectation of getting a promotion later in the year (that last year I was told would be given during this year's review, but that's a whole other thing) and getting the second half when (if), I got the promotion. On the one hand, assuming that's at least 12 weeks between, and I work 40 hours each week, that's at least 480 hours that I'm losing out on half the raise because…

Hi, so I work for a relatively small company who has had record profits this past year. During our reviews, they told us they were giving everyone an $x/hr raise. Of course, after the first people heard this, it was pretty common knowledge throughout the whole place.

So I went into my review expecting to hear that as well. Which I did. Except that instead of giving me the full raise now, I was given half now with the expectation of getting a promotion later in the year (that last year I was told would be given during this year's review, but that's a whole other thing) and getting the second half when (if), I got the promotion.

On the one hand, assuming that's at least 12 weeks between, and I work 40 hours each week, that's at least 480 hours that I'm losing out on half the raise because of a promised (assumed, but not guaranteed) promotion.

On the other hand, I'm already paid well, and for the most part I already make more than most of my colleagues. On top of that, had they not had the whole build up of everyone getting the same raise, and making sure to tell me that as well, I would have been very happy with this scenario.

I really enjoy my job and the people I work with. My employers are wonderful, and I count myself lucky to have such a great place to work. I just can't help but feel a little bit shorted by this, especially because I haven't heard of this happening with anyone else, though that may be because they don't want to talk about that when everyone else is excited about their raises.

Plus I know of others asked for promotions and have yet to hear back. It's worth mentioning that I'm not worried about them “taking” my promotion because mine is into a specialized position that they do not have the training for. However, it does make me wonder that if any of them do get a promotion it would most likely come with a raise, which would be because of the promotion and not because everyone is getting the same raise. But they make less than I do.

I guess I'm to the point of rambling, and probably not giving more helpful information. I just feel so conflicted. Sorry for being so vague, just trying to keep some anonymity.

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