
How YOU can support the strike wave

The DSA's Strike Ready 2023 campaign provides the tools for you to join the resurgent labor movement that our paternalistic employers insist is “just a phase.” You don't have to be a member of the DSA or a union to participate. Together, we can support UPS workers as they bring the good fight to their tyrannical employer, and we can be there for the other great battles that are soon to come! Link to the DSA's Strike Ready 2023 campaign Donation page for the North Texas DSA's Srike Ready fundraiser

The DSA's Strike Ready 2023 campaign provides the tools for you to join the resurgent labor movement that our paternalistic employers insist is “just a phase.” You don't have to be a member of the DSA or a union to participate. Together, we can support UPS workers as they bring the good fight to their tyrannical employer, and we can be there for the other great battles that are soon to come!

Link to the DSA's Strike Ready 2023 campaign

Donation page for the North Texas DSA's Srike Ready fundraiser

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