
HR pushed me to attend church and I don’t know how to report this

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. Probation is 6 months. I work as payroll – which HR used to handle. This job pays an ungodly amount of money for the role. However, I'm incredibly uncomfortable with a conversation HR had with me 2 weeks in & I don't know how to go about recording it because she is the only HR. HR: are you religious? Me: (completely blindsided) No I'm gay. HR: so you can't be religious? Me: I'm an atheist HR: so what do you think happens when you die? Me: …'re dead, that's it. HR: have you ever tried going to church? Do you not feel like you're missing a sense of community? Me: not really HR: but have you tried? Me: yes, and it wasn't for me. HR: are your parents religious? Me: no, atheist HR: so have you really tried? Me: (trying very hard…

I started a new job 4 weeks ago. Probation is 6 months. I work as payroll – which HR used to handle. This job pays an ungodly amount of money for the role. However, I'm incredibly uncomfortable with a conversation HR had with me 2 weeks in & I don't know how to go about recording it because she is the only HR.

HR: are you religious?

Me: (completely blindsided) No I'm gay.

HR: so you can't be religious?

Me: I'm an atheist

HR: so what do you think happens when you die?

Me: …'re dead, that's it.

HR: have you ever tried going to church? Do you not feel like you're missing a sense of community?

Me: not really

HR: but have you tried?

Me: yes, and it wasn't for me.

HR: are your parents religious?

Me: no, atheist

HR: so have you really tried?

Me: (trying very hard to not say that I was asked to never return to Sunday school because when I was 5 I corrected the teacher that god did not make rainbows, science did) Yes.

HR: you should try

Me: okay

I work and live in Ontario and I want this conversation on some kind of official record but I do not know how to get that. Usually it would be an email sent to HR but that is my boss! They could fire me for any reason because of Probation. Help is appreciated.

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